Oct 20,2021

The Beauty of Sacred Falls - Oahu - Hawaii

Sacred Falls is surrounded by thick woodland and beautiful green flora, as well as steep rocks. It is named for the vast 1,370-acre state park in which it is located. It is a magnificent and stunning 80-foot-tall (24-meter-tall) waterfall that cascades into a water pool below. It was once the most popular waterfall on the whole island of Oahu due to its unmatched beauty until an unforgettable tragedy occurred in 1999.

On Mother's Day 1999, a large crowd had met in the small Sacred Valley to commemorate the event when stones and crumbled cliffs from the surrounding mountains fell into the valley. People were unable to leave due to the small route, and as a consequence, 8 perished on the spot and over 50 were severely wounded. Following that incident, the Hawaiian government shuttered the park to the general public, and there is no possibility that it will reopen in the foreseeable future. As a result, the helicopter trip is the only way to see this stunning landmarks

Our recommendations: Visit this restricted park at your own risk; the risks outweigh the positives. While it is a beautiful waterfall, the risk of rock falling from the steep canyon walls is considerable, and you never know when the next big slide or even small rock falls, may occur. One boulder the size of a Coke can is all it takes to kill you. There are many stunning waterfalls on the Hawaiian islands - visit a few instead.

Another option for you is to join us on our helicopter tour to take in the breathtaking views of Sacred Falls and the surrounding areas from a helicopter. Trust us, it’s worth it!