Oct 22,2021

Koke'e Beach Park: A Hidden Gem Of Oahu

Located just past Waimea State Park and it is the road less traveled. Keep on the road past Waimea and you'll be in Koke'e State Park. The views are incredible and you'll get to see the Na Pali coast views from above. The clouds roll in and out here, so you may have to be patient to get a great view. It is worth the wait. 

What to do and see at Kokee Beach Park Oahu

The park offers commanding views of the lush, amphitheater-headed Kalalau Valley from 4000 feet elevation. Wildland picnicking, tent camping and lodging. Hiking in native rain forest and along rim of Waimea Canyon; additional trails in neighboring forest reserves. Excellent area for observation of native plants, forest birds and insects. Seasonal plum picking and trout fishing. Pig hunting in a public hunting area.

There are also some hiking trails that are great and there is a gift shop and visitor center here as well. There is also a research station that is not open to the public. All of the parking lots at the viewpoints are included for the small fee that can be paid at any of the lots throughout either state park. You only have to pay once and keep your receipt for all of the lots. Don't miss this by turning around after seeing Waimea. Some of the best views in all of Hawaii are just around the bend!

Caution for those who want a take a dive

This tiny Beach Park is located in the heart of a residential area. It provides access to a small rocky area that is partially submerged. The "beach", which is more a kind of reef, is located below a green area of the Beach Park that can be reached by a short downhill path.

Be careful when you get down because the rocks along the water are slippery. Swimming is not easy here because the beach is almost non-existent, but it will please young children because the rocks form small shallow pools. Beautiful specimens of black crabs are also present here.