Oct 20,2021

Fun Things To Do At Kailua Beach

One of the best beaches in the United States, Kailua Beach, has been named one of the nation's best by a coastal research specialist who makes it his profession to survey beaches. The bay that separates this lengthy stretch of fine sand beach from Crayola Blue is ideal for a variety of water sports including kayaking, snorkeling, windsurfing, kitesurfing, swimming, boogie boarding, surfing, and sailing.

Kailua Beach Snorkeling

Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles, or Honu as they are known in Hawaiian, come to Kailua Bay to feed and rest in the shallow warm water because it is a protected Ocean Recreation Management Area, making it an ideal location for them to feed and relax. Considering that Honu are endangered and highly protected creatures, they should never be handled or disturbed from their normal routine. However, bring your waterproof camera with you, as photos taken from a distance are perfect.

You won’t want to miss out on seeing all of the amazing fish species that live in our coral reef. You will have a chance at sightseeing with Honu, yellow tangs or spot tailed butterflyfish as well as other famous ones at Kailua Beach. Snorkeling the reefs off Kailua Beach is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that should not be missed.

Kailua Beach Bodyboarding

Kailua is a great place for youngsters and novices of all ages to learn how to boogie board in perfect circumstances. The outer reef is where all of the bigger ocean waves break. Only the smallest waves are able to get through this natural barrier, resulting in a pleasant shore break wave that breaks on Kailua's sandy beach. Every surfer in Kailua began their surfing career by boogie boarding along with the beach break of Kailua Bay. If you are a fan of bodyboarding, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to enjoy this sport at Kailua beach. 

Kailua Beach Kayaking

Kailua Beach has been a popular destination for kayakers since it offers an opportunity to explore nature and enjoy the beautiful scenery. You can either go out on your own or with fellow paddlers - just be sure not to miss these postcard-perfect islands. 

Take a kayak ride on the Mokulua Islands and get an amazing view of this beautiful area. Paddling out to Kailuahuah beach will give you new perspective because of this one-of-a-kind destination as well as the opportunity of observing crystal clear waters below while enjoying a fun journey!