Oct 11,2021

Laniakea Beach Haleiwa - The Main Attraction on Oahu’s North Shore

Laniakea Beach or Turtle Beach on the North Shore is a must-stop attraction for tourists travelling to O’ahu. As its name suggests, the beach is one of the best places to see the Hawaiin Green Sea Turtles (Hawaiian Honu). Throngs of people come to this area every year to see the popular and protected turtles when they bask in the sun.

Laniakea Beach best time to see turtles

The best time to see the Green Sea Turtles at Laniakea Beach is during the summer season because when the waters are calm and warm, the turtles love to come ashore and enjoy the sun. Visitors are encouraged to plan their trips between May and August to have a better chance of spotting the honu. 

Moreover, 11 am to 1 pm is the best time of the day to visit Laniakea Beach. Visitors should not come to the beach too early in the morning. In addition, visiting the beach around sunset time also offers a good viewing experience. We all know that there is nothing like Hawaiin sunset. 

Turtle Snorkeling, Swimming and Surfing at Laniakea Beach

Grab your snorkeling gear and find friendly turtles is also a great experience. However, the beach is not good for swimming because of rocks and strong tides. If you are planning to walk into the water, make sure to stay away from the sea urchins to avoid an injury. 

Laniakea Beach is an amazing spot for experienced surfers as well. If you can’t see the turtles, it’s worth watching the surfers while waiting for the turtles to appear. 

Protecting the Green Sea Turtles 

In order to be a responsible traveller, be sure to give turtles space and make your effort to not overcrowd them. Also, it is illegal and harmful to touch or harass the turtles. When you enter the beach, spend some time reading the signs and rules for the area. Together we can save the sea turtles.